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 Seminar or conference, which one to host depending on your objectives?

How can you tell the difference between a seminar and a conference?

Plan a meeting, organise a conference, arrange a seminar, propose a colloquium… The vocabulary of the business world is rich and varied and one can sometimes get lost in it. So what is the difference between a seminar and a conference?

The difference between a seminar and a conference: a close look at conferences

What is the difference between a seminar and a conference? Conferences are somewhat more formal than seminars. Conferences are meetings of professionals from the same sector, or even from the same group. They are usually organised in order to announce a new product, or new measures. A good example is conferences on the theme of the climate.

Conferences are often held in an amphitheatre or an auditorium. There is one or more person on stage, and the audience listens to each speaker’s presentation. Conferences can last a whole day, or several days.

A conference is an opportunity to discuss a subject or issue, or perhaps to share ideas.

There are several different types of conference:

  • academic ones;
  • business ones;
  • media ones;
  • corporate ones…

The difference between a seminar and a conference: a close look at seminars

As previously stated, the main difference between a seminar and a conference is that the former is less official than the latter (though it is nonetheless a professional event as well).

Seminars enable you to bring a group of people together to exchange ideas, hold debates, and get together in a different setting.

Holding seminars is important for businesses because they offer a range of advantages:

Companies place great importance on holding seminars, because they provide numerous benefits:

  • strengthen the bonds between employees;
  • improve the atmosphere at the company;
  • gain in productivity;
  • encourage the staff…

Depending on what form they take, seminars can be held indoors, outdoors, or both. They can be themed (team-building, for instance) and led by one or more comperes. For a team-building seminar, games are a great idea, as they allow you to work on team spirit.

Just as with conferences, there are several different kinds of seminars: leadership seminars, work seminars, integration seminars, training seminars, management seminars…

How should you choose between a conference and a seminar?

As you will have realised, the main difference between seminars and conferences is that conferences are more formal. Moreover, at a seminar, everyone is involved, whereas at a conference, there are generally speakers, on the one hand, and the audience on the other (though the audience may nonetheless be invited to ask questions).

To determine which event you should hold, you should therefore ask yourself what your goals are.

If you want to announce your financial results for the last year, for example, your best bet is to hold a conference. If you want to strengthen the ties between your staff or indeed help new recruits to feel integrated, you’re better off going for a seminar.

Now that you know the difference between a seminar and a conference, which one are you going to organise? Whichever one you choose, it’s essential that everything is organised down to the letter.

Would you like to organise a conference or a lecture in one of our cinema auditoriums? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

Par Amandine Schosseler

Kinepolis est un acteur de premier plan en Europe et possède des cinémas au Luxembourg en Belgique, France, Espagne, Suisse, Pologne et tout dernièrement au Canada. Outre son activité cinématographique, Kinepolis est également actif dans le domaine de la publicité et de l’événementiel.

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