Cycle of private screenings to fuel dialogue within the company
Or how best to secure the loyalty of your staff?
For several years, the ability to retain staff has been a real challenge for businesses when it comes to staying competitive. But how can you increase staff loyalty in the long term, to create a lasting attachment? Since one of the keys to this is to keep the dialogue going, why not do so by means of cycles of private screenings with Kinepolis?
Why seek to secure the loyalty of your staff?
When HR (Human Resources) problems underline a disengagement by staff, leading to absenteeism and an increase in staff turnover, all of which results in a fall in internal workforce dynamism and a tarnished image for the brand, there’s an urgent need to react, in order to secure the loyalty of your staff.
All these indicators entail sizeable costs for the company:
- Departure costs: managing the departure of staff, administrative charges, loss of productivity, impact on colleagues…
- Replacement cost: cost of communication, recruitment, interviews, lost opportunities…
Integration cost: training costs, length of apprenticeship, efficiency differential…
The impact of dialogue and the corporate culture
At a time when wellbeing in the workplace has become a very important consideration, it seems essential to instil it through genuine communication between the business and its staff, so that they feel they are being listened to and valued. As such, why not organise cycles of private screenings centred around one film, one value, one debate, so as to better secure their loyalty?
An intra-company survey could allow you to uncover some key topics that your employees consider important. A private screening at Kinepolis could provide an external setting that helps to encourage discussion…
A private screening at Kinepolis: one film, one value, one debate
The Kinepolis team can help you organise your cycles of private screenings, by suggesting the film best suited to your chosen topic. The goal of each cycle of private screenings is to step outside the formal environment of the company, and remove the hierarchical barriers, so as to speak openly about a chosen subject, in order to come up with concrete solutions that are specific to the company.
For instance, Kinepolis can recommend films such as Jean-Marie Moutout’s Work Hard, Play Hard, with its ambience combining takeovers and staff redundancies, or Francis Veber’s film about homosexuality in the workplace, Closet, not forgetting documentaries such as Jean-Michel Carré’s J’ai (très) mal au travail, which could prompt some productive discussions with your staff…
The screens at Kinepolis’s cinemas are perfect for a debate after a private screening: the equipment (microphones, screens) is at your disposal, to encourage and guide the discussions.
Don’t hesitate to ask for some help from the Kinepolis team to arrange your various cycles of private screenings, aimed at encouraging discussions with your staff and installing a climate propitious for securing their loyalty.
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By Amandine Schosseler
Kinepolis is a leading player in Europe and has cinemas in Luxembourg, Belgium, France, Spain, Switzerland, Poland and most recently in Canada. Besides its cinematographic activity, Kinepolis is also active in the field of advertising and events.
Amandine has been supporting professionals since June 2013 with the aim of providing them with personalized follow-up through the solutions offered by Kinepolis: conference rooms, seminar rooms, private screening with or without reception, advertising, sponsorship, etc.
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