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The mistakes to avoid when it comes to hiring a room for a seminar

Put your professional event on the right track!

When organizing a professional event, the room hire is as important a consideration as the content of the seminar. Here are the classic mistakes to avoid if you want to inject some forward momentum into the event!

Room hire that feels disconnected from the company’s image

Whatever the audience for the seminar (employees, partners, suppliers…), this professional event must reflect the company’s image. This underlying stake directly influences the message that is conveyed to the participants. For instance, a venue that is too luxurious, for employees threatened by social plans, might not be the right option: they might take this extravagant spending as a personal affront. The choice of room hire must live and breathe the company’s values, so as to ensure that the audience are on board with it.

A seminar that is organised with mediocre services

All professional events are subject to budget constraints: the best option is to plan to hire a room  that is close to you (thereby saving on transport costs), so as to ensure high-quality services, rather than a remote seminar venue, which only allows you to provide cut-price, or even non-existent, services. In such a scenario, the participants will only remember the downsides, meaning that the whole thing will be tarnished, even if the presentations contain relevant content.

It should be noted that adjustments to the budget can also have an impact on the length of the event: if you pack everything into a single day, the catering and accommodation costs are kept to a minimum, resulting in a higher quality event overall.

A professional event with poor access

An essential criterion for any room hire, the site of the seminar must be easy to access, located in an area with good public transport links, and with parking solutions nearby. Failing that, you might find that only the most motivated attendees show up!

In the same spirit as this, the room chosen must, on a mandatory basis, offer easy access for people with disabilities, failing which they may be deprived of this professional event.

An event that is not adapted to cope with the sanitary requirements

Finally, taking account of the public health situation associated with Covid-19, the seminar room must be able to prove that all the necessary measures have been put in place to protect its visitors: the premises are regularly disinfected, suitable airing of rooms or ventilation is provided, hand-sanitizer is available in strategically placed areas, social distancing can be practiced… Better yet, the professional event must be able to communicate these points to the participants, so that they feel fully reassured.

Kinepolis proposes a room hire service that is ideally suited to the organizing of professional events, such as a seminar: it satisfies all these requirements and therefore enables you to avoid all these errors.

Innovative and modern, our venues, in the heart of Luxembourg, can easily be adapted to allow for measures aimed at reducing transmission. As for the quality of our services, it is highly appreciated by our customers, as can be seen in the comments on our website. Perhaps we could have a chat about your project?


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Brochure Business

Par Amandine Schosseler

Kinepolis est un acteur de premier plan en Europe et possède des cinémas au Luxembourg en Belgique, France, Espagne, Suisse, Pologne et tout dernièrement au Canada. Outre son activité cinématographique, Kinepolis est également actif dans le domaine de la publicité et de l’événementiel.

Amandine accompagne les professionnels depuis juin 2013 avec comme objectif de leur fournir un suivi personnalisé à travers les solutions proposées par Kinepolis : salles de conférence, salles de séminaire, projection privée avec ou sans réception, publicité, sponsoring, …

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