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The environment: one of our core values?

Discuss the matter around a private screening!

There have been more and more incidents attesting to climate change lately, such as the recent floods this summer in Belgium. Given this, why not let the environment become part of the discussion at your company? Why not organise a private screening on the subject at Kinepolis so that you can raise awareness and discuss the potential solutions at your level together? Suggestions.

Put the environment at the heart of a private screening

A central focus of concern for some years now, the issue of the environment is now prompting a pretty urgent need to alter our lifestyles.

At Kinepolis, you can organise a private screening for your staff and colleagues centred around one of the following documentaries or films:

  • Our Planet (8 episodes lasting 45 minutes each) looking at little moments in the lives of hundreds of animals;
  • Demain [Tomorrow] (the winner of a César award in 2016) is built around concrete, inspiring solutions for safeguarding the future of the world;
  • Blue Planet / Blue Planet II about the oceans (over-fishing, pollution of the water, micro-plastics etc.);
  • Home shows us the consequences of mankind’s presence on Earth, seen from above;
  • Before the flood offers concrete solutions to the dramatic consequences of climate change;
  • Cowspiracy emphasizes the impact of intensive cattle rearing on the environment;
  • Fast Fashion, for its part, emphasizes the impact of the mass-production of cheap clothing.

The environment is an issue that concerns us all and that can be fought for in various domains, depending on your personal tastes and the values of your company. Why not pose questions to your teams about one of these issues and draw up, together, some measures that will let you add your weight to the global effort?

An evening of debate at Kinepolis to help instigate change

Beyond simply showing a private screening of one of these documentaries, you can make the most of the occasion by debating the subject and alighting on concrete solutions to try to implement within your company. The ‘amphitheatre’ layout of our cinema screens lends itself well to evenings of debate and discussion. To say nothing of the impeccable sound quality for the speakers and presentations.

Either before or after the private screening, Kinepolis can also arrange activities and entertainment on the theme of the environment – and on your chosen segment more specifically. Whether it’s a quiz about how to deal with the plastic in our oceans, a vegan cocktail, an activity centred on the sorting of waste…

With the aim of the evening being to talk together about the environment and set in motion a desire to act on a company-wide level. Then, through a ripple effect, these positive actions will be replicated in your employees’ homes, by their friends, and their friends’ friends, and so on. Like a wave spreading through the water…

With its expertise in communication around event management, Kinepolis can give you guidance as you plan and steer an evening of discussion with a private screening about the environment. Get in touch with our teams and let’s discuss your project together!


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By Amandine Schosseler

Kinepolis is a leading player in Europe and has cinemas in Luxembourg, Belgium, France, Spain, Switzerland, Poland and most recently in Canada. Besides its cinematographic activity, Kinepolis is also active in the field of advertising and events.

Amandine has been supporting professionals since June 2013 with the aim of providing them with personalized follow-up through the solutions offered by Kinepolis: conference rooms, seminar rooms, private screening with or without reception, advertising, sponsorship, etc.

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