Saying goodbye in style: 5 ideas for leaving gifts for staff at your company
Which corporate leaving gift should you give?

Whether it’s to mark a retirement or a new professional adventure, there are various reasons why people leave a company. For some unforgettable goodbyes, here are a few ideas for corporate leaving gifts.
1. An unforgettable surprise party
Is one of your colleagues finally off to enjoy their retirement, or, perhaps, to take on a new challenge? Celebrate this change by organizing a memorable surprise party.
As for the venue, it’s up to you. You can arrange a party in your own premises or hire a function room for the occasion. Consider preparing a range of surprises: personalized decoration, t-shirts with a picture of your employee on them, a little souvenir film… In short, do something they’ll love!
Come and talk to Kinepolis about organising your event. We offer cinema auditoriums for hire, and also reception spaces that you can hire together or separately. We also offer additional services such as MCs, caterers, etc.
2. Corporate leaving gift: a gift token they’ll really appreciate
How about opting for gift boxes? A gift that will allow them to enjoy a movie at the cinema, with a food & drink voucher depending on the type of box you’ve chosen. To top it all off, we make our own popcorn on site!
You can also give cinema tokens. So what are they, exactly? Tickets for a cinema trip to one of our 3 cinemas in Luxembourg, valid for 12 months and to which you can add the name of your company, with a customized message (e.g. ‘Happy retirement, Marie!’)
3. An ethical gift
When you give a gift, it’s important to find out about its provenance, but also about the conditions in which it was made. In other words, you should make sure it’s an ethical gift.
When one of your employees/colleagues is leaving, put your faith in local producers and other craftspeople by offering a decorative object (photograph, picture etc.) or food product, or cosmetics made in Luxembourg.
If you can’t think of any local firms or craftspeople, a little online research will help you find some ideas.
4. A personalized gift
If the person celebrating leaving likes going to the cinema, contact the team at Kinepolis Business so that they can find the PERFECT present! Why not organise a private screening of a film that suits the person, with the entire team or company? You’ll even be able to include a customized message on a slide shown before or after the film, for your colleague. Take over the mic to share a funny story or simply express your gratitude. It will be a personalized message that is bound to touch your employees’ hearts! Why not continue the evening in one of our reception spaces? MCs, caterers, equipment… our team takes care of everything!
What’s more, by sharing the event on your social network profiles, you’ll show just how much care you take over your team, thereby positively reinforcing your notoriety.
5. A kitty for exciting travel plans or other uses
Does your employee or colleague dream of discovering the United States or jetting off to admire the aurora borealis in Iceland, or Norway? Would they like to get a new kitchen or bathroom but lack the funds required? Are they planning to buy a camper van so that they can set off on their travels?
If this is the case, organise a kitty for their leaving do. A whip-round takes place and gives them the sum they need. Put the money in a pretty tin and present it to them, accompanied by a card signed by all the staff at your company.
This little financial helping hand is bound to touch their heart.
Our tips for choosing a great corporate leaving gift
When giving a corporate leaving gift, people often worry about falling “wide of the mark”, i.e. giving something that isn’t to the recipient’s liking.
To find the right gift, find out what the person you’re giving the gift to is interested in. Do they like to go travelling? That’s something to explore. Do they have a passion for cooking? That ought to inspire you. Are they involved in protecting the environment? That’s an interesting avenue to go down.
Our second tip is to plump for originality. Personalized mugs and other t-shirts are always nice but it can be interesting to seek out some rather more original ideas.
If someone is retiring, it might be best not to choose a gift that reminds them of work…!
Are you looking for an idea for a corporate leaving gift? Visit our online box office and gift area to find what you’re looking for.
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Par Amandine Schosseler
Kinepolis est un acteur de premier plan en Europe et possède des cinémas au Luxembourg en Belgique, France, Espagne, Suisse, Pologne et tout dernièrement au Canada. Outre son activité cinématographique, Kinepolis est également actif dans le domaine de la publicité et de l’événementiel.
Amandine accompagne les professionnels depuis juin 2013 avec comme objectif de leur fournir un suivi personnalisé à travers les solutions proposées par Kinepolis : salles de conférence, salles de séminaire, projection privée avec ou sans réception, publicité, sponsoring, …
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