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Modernity, a plus-point for advertising at the cinema

From the first notices to the modern-day ad

At the cinema, just like the notices of yesteryear, today’s ads have to grab the consumer’s attention and influence the choice he or she makes. While the goal has stayed the same, though, the techniques used have evolved markedly, in recent years. These days, companies have no choice but to comply with them, so as to associate their message with an image of modernity…

From notices to the first ads

Before the 20th century, notices, the forerunner of the ads we know today, were based on posters, announcements in the local newspapers and men with sandwich-boards, who walked the city streets. That was the primary method of getting people to buy your product…

The development of the advertisement only arrived with the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. With the evolution of printing techniques, the extension of the railways and the emergence of department stores, notices became necessary in order to get the stocks off the shelves.

Then, at the start of the 1920s, notices moved into cinema screens, by way of short silent movies and painted curtains. In 1949, the ‘Petit Mineur’ cinema introduced short ads. In the period between 1945 and 1975, the notices of old evolved into advertising, a discipline in the field of marketing, with its identified targets and dedicated messages. From that time on, the concept became more comprehensive and scientific, breaking decisively away from practices of old.

From advertising at the cinema to sensory and virtual ads

With advertising making its way into all the spaces of everyday life, the consumer’s demands are becoming ever greater: at the cinema, modernity is achieved through high-quality equipment and infrastructure – whether in terms of the size of the screens, the picture, the sound and the comfort of the auditorium.

If they really want to make a lasting impression on cinema-goers, the advertisers have to focus their efforts on complexes that meet these criteria, like Kinepolis. The objective being to put the target audience in a setting that facilitates the conveying of their message, while subconsciously promoting the image of the company associated with the ads.

FYI, the cinema is particularly effective when it comes to broadcasting ads: its message retention rate is in the region of 75 % – the highest among all media.

In the world of tomorrow, with the rollout of 4DX technologies, advertising will be able to take on a whole new dimension, with the arrival of the senses (smell, touch…) and the development of virtual (3D) ads.

Demain, avec le déploiement des technologies 4DX, la publicité pourra prendre une autre dimension, avec l’arrivée des sens (odeurs, toucher…) et le développement du virtuel (3D).

At Kinepolis in Luxembourg, we have 3 cinemas that attract both avid cinephiles and the wider public to their modern cinema screens with all feature comforts (even if you don’t sign up for the ‘Cosy Seat’ option that makes the experience even more exceptional). To say nothing of the 4DX screen…

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the advertising department at Kinepolis, to discuss with them the most suitable format for the ads but also the ideal timescale for orchestrating the broadcasting of your ad (choice of film depending on the target audience, choice of cinema, frequency, etc.)

Par Amandine Schosseler

Kinepolis est un acteur de premier plan en Europe et possède des cinémas au Luxembourg en Belgique, France, Espagne, Suisse, Pologne et tout dernièrement au Canada. Outre son activité cinématographique, Kinepolis est également actif dans le domaine de la publicité et de l’événementiel.

Amandine accompagne les professionnels depuis juin 2013 avec comme objectif de leur fournir un suivi personnalisé à travers les solutions proposées par Kinepolis : salles de conférence, salles de séminaire, projection privée avec ou sans réception, publicité, sponsoring, …

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