Kinepolis business egg hunt – 7 to 12 april 2023

Kinepolis Business has decided to play Easter bunnies this year, by organizing an egg hunt in the new virtual tour that has just been released!
Try to win exceptional prizes such as a conference room, movie tickets and film goodies until april, 12th !
The goal of the game is to find the three superheroines of the B2B team hidden in the movie theaters. Each time you find a member of the team, you receive a part of the charade that will help you to discover the mystery word. At the end of the game, you can submit your answer to try your luck.
The game is open to all B2B customers, so feel free to invite your colleagues for even more fun and competition.
To start the game, you will need to find the room that hides the first riddle. To give you a clue, it is the room with a thousand sensations… Easy, isn’t it?
Note that this game is reserved for a B2B target, that is to say that you participate in the name of the company for which you work and that the prize won is then won by the company in question. Here are the rules of the game that you can consult here: Game rules
Par Amandine Schosseler
Kinepolis est un acteur de premier plan en Europe et possède des cinémas au Luxembourg en Belgique, France, Espagne, Suisse, Pologne et tout dernièrement au Canada. Outre son activité cinématographique, Kinepolis est également actif dans le domaine de la publicité et de l’événementiel.
Amandine accompagne les professionnels depuis juin 2013 avec comme objectif de leur fournir un suivi personnalisé à travers les solutions proposées par Kinepolis : salles de conférence, salles de séminaire, projection privée avec ou sans réception, publicité, sponsoring, …
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